The installation of the PriceIt Demo should now be complete, so now is a good time to confirm the installation. To do this you need to start QuarkXPress.
1. Start your QuarkXPress application
2. Open a new QuarkXPress Document
3. Click PriceIt at the bottom of the Utilities menu
4. PriceIt will add itself to the QuarkXPress menu bar
If you can see PriceIt on the menu bar the PriceIt Demo has been installed correctly. If for any reason this does not happen please begin the installation process again following the instructions carefully or send an email to
Removing PriceIt
The are two levels of removing the PriceIt Demo from your computer, the first one of these is to simply stop PriceIt loading with QuarkXPress.
1. Close QuarkXPress if it is currently open
2. Locate the PriceIt Demo XTension either within the QuarkXPress folder or the XTensions folder
3. Drag and drop the PriceIt Demo XTension into the wastebasket on the desktop
4. Empty the wastebasket.
If you restart QuarkXPress, the PriceIt Demo will be no longer be loaded with QuarkXPress.
To completely remove the PriceIt Demo from your system, follow procedures 1-4 above and then complete the following.
1. Locate the original folder you chose to install the PriceIt Demo to
2. Drag this folder and its sub-directories to the wastebasket
3. Empty the wastebasket
4. Restart your computer.
PriceIt is now removed from your system
We would now suggest that you proceed to the Price List Demo and follow the DocMaker files included in the sub-folders.